Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Pandemonium (2023): a peculiarly unfinished vision of hell

After realizing he has died at the scene of a car crash, Nathan descends into the depths of hell, where he is doomed to experience the pain of tortured souls along the way.

My thoughts:
In 2020s it's a challenge to come up with anything truly original when it comes to afterlife and hell. There are already so many nuanced, creative, subtle ways to depicting hell, that the only direction you can go is that of literal almost Medieval interpretation, with torture chambers and rambunctious demons. 

Pandemonium is a standalone horror film that almost feels like an anthology. There is a main storyline that ties several tangent episodes. I was surprised that the golden rule of 3 was violated and there were only 2 subplots. 

Despite its literal pseudo-Dantean depiction of hell, it leaves a little too much to the imagination. Some parts are fleshed out extensively, while others are truncated and end abruptly. It's one of those movies that ends abruptly, making you question whether the creators ran out of funds, energy drinks, protein bars? 

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